Articles about NVC-plus appear frequently in the Empathic Time. Link to the publisher's page 2/2019 Werkzeug für Veränderung und Wachstum GFK und NVC-plus - jetzt wächst zusammen, was Social Change möglich macht; Gabriel Fritsch 4/2018 NVC-plus - Eine Utopie wird Realität; Gabriel Fritsch 2/2018 NVC-plus: Miteinander auf Augenhöhe - Lebensdienliche Gemeinschaftsbildung auf dem Vormarsch; Gabriel Fritsch 4/2017 Die noch fehlenden Schritte der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation - Mit Gewaltfreier Kommunikation lebensdienliche, organische und selbstorganisierende Teams bilden; Gabriel Fritsch

Published articles (German)

Agile Kommunikation für Paare, Gruppen und Teams NVC-plus Ebook/Fachbuch
01 - Scham, Schuld, Würde und NVC-plus  01 - Scham, Schuld, Würde und NVC-plus  02 - NVC-plus, Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik  02 - NVC-plus, Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik  03 - NVC-plus, Bedürfnisse oder Sinn  03 - NVC-plus, Bedürfnisse oder Sinn 

Ebook: The language of the free people (German)

Organising projects with self-organised teams
This book is the current basic work of NVC-plus. It offers an introduction to the topic, many explanations, the connection between classical Nonviolent Communication and NVC-plus, the tool cards with instructions, etc.. There is even a chapter on the connection between interactive intelligence and artificial intelligence, because in the networking of people in a human way lies an answer to the dangers we face from a rapidly networking IT cloud with robot manifestations. -Introduction and many explanations -The connection between NVC and NVC-plus -The preparation for NVC-plus -The NVC-plus cards with the instructions -NVC-plus Consensus -NVC-plus discourse -NVC-plus needs lists -NVC-plus and artificial intelligence -and more. Ebook directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 9,90 € incl. VAT. * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6836-0 Paperback directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 24,50 € incl. VAT * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6834-6 Hardcover directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 32,20 € incl. VAT * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6835-3
Das NVC-plus Book (german)
NVC-plus Lecture
There is quite a bit to read, for the bookworms among us. We have written about NVC-plus, but also about certain basic principles that were considered in the construction of the model. In addition to an NVC-plus book, which also contains all NVC-plus tool cards, there is an ebook and several articles, some of which were published in Empathic Time, the professional journal for Nonviolent Communication. So have fun browsing!
You can read the complete ebook here.
There is quite a bit to read, for the bookworms among us. We have written about NVC-plus, but also about certain basic principles that were considered in the construction of the model. In addition to an NVC- plus book, which also contains all NVC-plus tool cards, there is an ebook and several articles, some of which were published in Empathic Time, the professional journal for Nonviolent Communication. So have fun browsing!
This book is the current basic work of NVC-plus. It offers an introduction to the topic, many explanations, the connection between classical Nonviolent Communication and NVC-plus, the tool cards with instructions, etc.. There is even a chapter on the connection between interactive intelligence and artificial intelligence, because in the networking of people in a human way lies an answer to the dangers we face from a rapidly networking IT cloud with robot manifestations. -Introduction and many explanations -The connection between NVC and NVC-plus -The preparation for NVC-plus -The NVC-plus cards with the instructions -NVC-plus Consensus -NVC-plus discourse -NVC-plus needs lists -NVC-plus and artificial intelligence -and more. Ebook directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 9,90 € incl. VAT. * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6836-0 Paperback directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 24,50 € incl. VAT * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6834-6 Hardcover directly from the publisher , on Amazon or in bookstores * 32,20 € incl. VAT * ISBN: 978-3-7469-6835-3
Das NVC-plus Buch
Articles about NVC-plus appear frequently in the Empathic Time. Link to the publisher's page 2/2019 Werkzeug für Veränderung und Wachstum GFK und NVC-plus - jetzt wächst zusammen, was Social Change möglich macht; Gabriel Fritsch 4/2018 NVC-plus - Eine Utopie wird Realität; Gabriel Fritsch 2/2018 NVC-plus: Miteinander auf Augenhöhe - Lebensdienliche Gemeinschaftsbildung auf dem Vormarsch; Gabriel Fritsch 4/2017 Die noch fehlenden Schritte der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation - Mit Gewaltfreier Kommunikation lebensdienliche, organische und selbstorganisierende Teams bilden; Gabriel Fritsch

Published articles (German)

When people want to organize themselves around a goal, the type and quality of communication is crucial. Agile teams are ahead of the game when it comes to managing complex tasks. But the more holistically everyone on the team works, the greater the demand for effective and efficient communication. This Ebook identifies the problems and describes solutions that NVC-plus provides to self-organizing teams. Thus, this Ebook is interesting for all those who want to go deeper into the field of team communication. Centrally, it is about objections, because these are the ones that increasingly come into play in teams that want to operate at eye level. There are positive and negative objections. The positive ones express a person's wanting, the negative ones express a person's not wanting. Ideologies and conventions play into the dialogue. Through systemic observation, we recognize what it takes to make a discourse short and coherent.
Ebook: The language of the free people (German) Agile Kommunikation für Paare, Gruppen und Teams
Scham, Schuld, Würde und NVC-plus  Scham, Schuld, Würde und NVC-plus  NVC-plus, Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik  NVC-plus, Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik  NVC-plus, Bedürfnisse oder Sinn  NVC-plus, Bedürfnisse oder Sinn 
NVC-plus Lecture
You can view this ebook on a on a wider screen (tablet, PC) here online.
Organising projects with self-organised teams