NVC-plus FAQs

What is NVC-plus

NVC-plus is a method that makes it easy for people to come into productive synergy with each other. With the help of this method, people work together at eye level, organizing themselves into teams and sub- teams. What makes NVC-plus special is that it does not propose a new team or work structure. Rather, NVC-plus supports teams in finding a suitable structure themselves. NVC-plus activates the inner forces of people and links to the natural principles of togetherness. Therefore, the application feels less technical and is more discovered than learned. The parameters of NVC-plus - self-controlling teams - organic togetherness - life-serving communities - encounters at eye level The roots of NVC-plus NVC-plus has a connection to the classical Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Rosenberg has developed four steps with which people come into a good personal connection, beyond all ideas, opinions and ideologies. This method is very effective in personal disagreements and conflicts and has therefore spread worldwide. It is used in many professional contexts. But what classical NVC lacked until now was a second process for organizing and optimizing systems of joint cooperation in a "non-violent" way. The development of NVC-plus NVC-plus was developed in Germany by three NVC trainers and a communication developer. It was clear to them from the beginning that in an increasingly complex and at the same time increasingly open world, communities and teams increasingly want to get along without a real "boss" and therefore need to manage themselves. But how? Teams need a simple method to integrate and organize the different individual potentials and aspirations - without losing sight of the goal of a project or an enterprise. The components of NVC-plus The central element of NVC-plus is the four-step circle. With it, the process in the team or group can succeed step by step and sustainably. In addition, there are various tools and some additional elements for self-management that can be incorporated as needed.

What for NVC-plus

If you ask yourself what NVC-plus is actually good for, there is an answer from the individual perspective and an answer from the community perspective (partnership, team, company, community). The why for the individual Every organized community has rules. You are supposed to follow them, be nice, and most importantly, not be disruptive. From school, to military service, to professional training, to the workplace, to the retirement home - everywhere you are asked to functionally participate. This trains a person in the art of obedience and conformity. Our power is used for projects that are not ours and often even run counter to our interests. The more aware we become, the less we want to go along with it. The human being is a source of drive, awareness, sense, inspiration, vitality, creativity and also spirituality. All this can only flow into processes from the side of people and from nowhere else. But up to now people have accepted and bought mainly the drive from this source. This has an advantage for systems, because cooperation can be controlled from a central location by specifying a program, which is then only carried out by others. But the unused potential of employees creates tensions, both in people and in systems. The time seems to have come to live out one's own qualities and potential. However, if everyone only acts individually and does not find each other in their work, it will only become more and more lonely and chaotic. With NVC-plus, people can consciously intertwine their individual potentials and use them optimally in a self-organized way within the framework of projects. The why for teams, companies and communities In conventional systems, all individuals fit into collective structures. One then speaks of "the school class", "the army" or "the department". Conventions, rules and sanctions are the cement that holds everything together. Guilt, shame, indignation and depression become the system climate. The quality of communication, trust and transparency decline. Where have all the lively and exciting people gone in this gray uniformity? Collectives are seldom more intelligent than their smartest member and their momentum is difficult to control. The unused potential of people acts as inertia, friction and resistance. Strange strategies and ideologies emerge that do not do justice to people, nor do they promote humanity. The NVC-plus process awakens and directs individual forces. Powerful networks replace the faceless collective structures. With NVC-plus, satisfied, interactively intelligent and self-directing teams are formed. For the company, this means more creativity, commitment, performance and sustainability in uncertain times.

Starting with NVC-plus

NVC-plus is best started in direct togetherness in pairs or threes or in a small intimate circle. You can start in a partnership or family or find your own NVC-plus practice partner. It is easy to learn the first steps, to experience the benefits and to be inspired. In the togetherness one meets not only the other person, but also oneself. In the new NVC-plus mode, the togetherness is different and thus one's own self-image and sense of self changes. Next comes the second step: NVC-plus in the team, in the company or in even larger contexts. The principle is always the same. Once you have understood it, it is easy to do. The first steps There are many ways to get started with NVC-plus. You can start with the free online course "Easy-Start", look at information material on the website (www.gfk-plus.net), attend a video conference, visit an event or a practice group, or get started with the NVC-plus book. If there is not yet a practice group in your area, you can start one. There you can exchange ideas with others and experiment together. In the NVC-plus app and the online courses, you can find some introductory exercises. One can make phone calls to NVC- plus hotspots, get advice or invite them. You start with a small project, an action or a day that you want to actively create together with NVC-plus. If that goes well, you start the next project. Soon the basics become more familiar and NVC-plus gets more and more space in your life. Together you dare to tackle tasks that previously seemed too difficult. Life transforms. If difficulties arise from time to time, support can be sought. Often it is only due to small things that are easier to recognize from the outside. The start of NVC-plus in companies In companies and communities, a confidence-inspiring strategy for the introduction of NVC-plus is necessary. As a start, it would be possible to invite an NVC-plus coach for a presentation or workshop. After that, employees who spontaneously agree with NVC-plus could spend the next few weeks testing NVC-plus in their private environment (see above). For this purpose, the company can provide them with the continuing online course modules and perhaps also a coaching session or two. This creates a win-win situation. The first steps are taken outside working hours in a trusting environment. This strengthens the employees and their private environment. For their part, they carry their confidence and new competence into the work teams. The next step is to start a smaller project with NVC-plus, drawing on the people who already have some prior knowledge. The NVC-plus coach accompanies the first steps and continues to be available as a contact person. In this way, more and more experience and competence is accumulated and gradually the NVC-plus mode is extended to the rest of the company.

With whom NVC-plus

NVC-plus is intended for all people who want to organize themselves with others at eye level and independently. In this respect, the method is also kept as simple as possible. You could say: If you can learn how to drive a car, you can learn NVC-plus. The real challenge is to switch from the previous way of working together to the NVC-plus mode. This requires flexibility, curiosity and trust. You have to try out new things openly in order to be able to assess them realistically and apply them effectively. This is not easy for everyone. NVC-plus offers an elegant change strategy for the sensitive transition phase. Being a pioneer - who starts? In a community or institution, there are people who can more easily embrace change. They are pioneers at heart. They like to break new ground. Others have their backs to the wall in their life situation and therefore choose change. They try NVC-plus, for example, to save a relationship or to stabilize a project, a team or even an entire company. But the easiest ones are those who are unhappy with the way they are with each other and suspect in the first contact that NVC-plus can provide real answers for them. In these people there is a hunger for a good common ground. If they see an opportunity, they will immediately go for it. Change and Consciousness NVC-plus challenges our consciousness. Where we as humans are actually used to relying on the visible, predictable and predictable, with NVC-plus we develop an interactive sensitivity. And in our very functionally oriented culture that has evolved from a male-dominated world, we are usually more familiar with thoughts than feelings. Many know little about their inner life, their needs and their real goals. However, for a self-directing mode, we need a good or at least sufficient relationship with ourselves and with the other team members. In the beginning, it's like exercising muscles after the cast has come off. It takes some time before they start working properly again and feel comfortable doing so. You can't let that bother you. The "social muscles" are present in us humans and with the first successes we easily get over the initial threshold. NVC-plus is not a form of self-awareness or therapy. NVC-plus is, of course, ideology-free and designed to help people organize their activities in an easy and timely manner. So it is not about self-optimization or just getting rid of problems or being passively happy with each other. There are certainly other methods for that. NVC-plus is for people who want to coordinate their activities with each other in an optimal way. Power vs. Dominance NVC-plus is for people who like to live their positive and natural power without wanting to live it out in the form of dominance. The power of the individual is turned forward and intertwined into a larger team force to become interactively effective in an intelligent way. This succeeds with NVC-plus. On the other hand, those who prefer to do their own thing will hardly seek a central place in a self-organized team - that too is self-direction. All will find their own good place in the team or in relation to the team if they can enter into mediating communication. NVC-plus can strengthen their understanding of this. If some people do not succeed at all, some basic personal insight work may be needed first. Coaching and seminars can support them in this.
Questions are more important than answers. A good question can accompany you for a long time and steer your steps in the right direction. In this respect, all answers are not intended to resolve the questions, but to inspire the questioners. After some time, we will be able to expand this area and go into even more detail and specifics about problems as they naturally arise in organized interaction. So that we can keep our finger on the pulse with our answers, please write to us with your technical questions.


1. What is NVC-plus?   2. What for NVC-plus?   3. With whom NVC-plus?   4. Starting with NVC-plus   MY QUESTION 
Organising projects with self-organised teams
NVC-plus FAQs

What is NVC-plus?

NVC-plus is a method that makes it easy for people to come into productive synergy with each other. With the help of this method, people work together at eye level, organizing themselves into teams and sub-teams. What makes NVC-plus special is that it does not propose a new team or work structure. Rather, NVC-plus supports teams in finding a suitable structure themselves. NVC-plus activates the inner forces of people and links to the natural principles of togetherness. Therefore, the application feels less technical and is more discovered than learned. The parameters of NVC-plus - self-controlling teams - organic togetherness - life-serving communities - encounters at eye level The roots of NVC-plus NVC-plus has a connection to the classical Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to Dr. Marshall Rosenberg. Rosenberg has developed four steps with which people come into a good personal connection, beyond all ideas, opinions and ideologies. This method is very effective in personal disagreements and conflicts and has therefore spread worldwide. It is used in many professional contexts. But what classical NVC lacked until now was a second process for organizing and optimizing systems of joint cooperation in a "non-violent" way. The development of NVC-plus NVC-plus was developed in Germany by three NVC trainers and a communication developer. It was clear to them from the beginning that in an increasingly complex and at the same time increasingly open world, communities and teams increasingly want to get along without a real "boss" and therefore need to manage themselves. But how? Teams need a simple method to integrate and organize the different individual potentials and aspirations - without losing sight of the goal of a project or an enterprise. The components of NVC-plus The central element of NVC-plus is the four-step circle. With it, the process in the team or group can succeed step by step and sustainably. In addition, there are various tools and some additional elements for self-management that can be incorporated as needed.

What for NVC-plus?

If you ask yourself what NVC-plus is actually good for, there is an answer from the individual perspective and an answer from the community perspective (partnership, team, company, community). The why for the individual Every organized community has rules. You are supposed to follow them, be nice, and most importantly, not be disruptive. From school, to military service, to professional training, to the workplace, to the retirement home - everywhere you are asked to functionally participate. This trains a person in the art of obedience and conformity. Our power is used for projects that are not ours and often even run counter to our interests. The more aware we become, the less we want to go along with it. The human being is a source of drive, awareness, sense, inspiration, vitality, creativity and also spirituality. All this can only flow into processes from the side of people and from nowhere else. But up to now people have accepted and bought mainly the drive from this source. This has an advantage for systems, because cooperation can be controlled from a central location by specifying a program, which is then only carried out by others. But the unused potential of employees creates tensions, both in people and in systems. The time seems to have come to live out one's own qualities and potential. However, if everyone only acts individually and does not find each other in their work, it will only become more and more lonely and chaotic. With NVC-plus, people can consciously intertwine their individual potentials and use them optimally in a self-organized way within the framework of projects. The why for teams, companies and communities In conventional systems, all individuals fit into collective structures. One then speaks of "the school class", "the army" or "the department". Conventions, rules and sanctions are the cement that holds everything together. Guilt, shame, indignation and depression become the system climate. The quality of communication, trust and transparency decline. Where have all the lively and exciting people gone in this gray uniformity? Collectives are seldom more intelligent than their smartest member and their momentum is difficult to control. The unused potential of people acts as inertia, friction and resistance. Strange strategies and ideologies emerge that do not do justice to people, nor do they promote humanity. The NVC-plus process awakens and directs individual forces. Powerful networks replace the faceless collective structures. With NVC-plus, satisfied, interactively intelligent and self-directing teams are formed. For the company, this means more creativity, commitment, performance and sustainability in uncertain times.

Starting with NVC-plus

NVC-plus is best started in direct togetherness in pairs or threes or in a small intimate circle. You can start in a partnership or family or find your own NVC-plus practice partner. It is easy to learn the first steps, to experience the benefits and to be inspired. In the togetherness one meets not only the other person, but also oneself. In the new NVC-plus mode, the togetherness is different and thus one's own self-image and sense of self changes. Next comes the second step: NVC-plus in the team, in the company or in even larger contexts. The principle is always the same. Once you have understood it, it is easy to do. The first steps There are many ways to get started with NVC-plus. You can start with the free online course "Easy- Start", look at information material on the website (www.gfk-plus.net), attend a video conference, visit an event or a practice group, or get started with the NVC-plus book. If there is not yet a practice group in your area, you can start one. There you can exchange ideas with others and experiment together. In the NVC-plus app and the online courses, you can find some introductory exercises. One can make phone calls to NVC-plus hotspots, get advice or invite them. You start with a small project, an action or a day that you want to actively create together with NVC- plus. If that goes well, you start the next project. Soon the basics become more familiar and NVC-plus gets more and more space in your life. Together you dare to tackle tasks that previously seemed too difficult. Life transforms. If difficulties arise from time to time, support can be sought. Often it is only due to small things that are easier to recognize from the outside. The start of NVC-plus in companies In companies and communities, a confidence- inspiring strategy for the introduction of NVC-plus is necessary. As a start, it would be possible to invite an NVC-plus coach for a presentation or workshop. After that, employees who spontaneously agree with NVC-plus could spend the next few weeks testing NVC-plus in their private environment (see above). For this purpose, the company can provide them with the continuing online course modules and perhaps also a coaching session or two. This creates a win-win situation. The first steps are taken outside working hours in a trusting environment. This strengthens the employees and their private environment. For their part, they carry their confidence and new competence into the work teams. The next step is to start a smaller project with NVC- plus, drawing on the people who already have some prior knowledge. The NVC-plus coach accompanies the first steps and continues to be available as a contact person. In this way, more and more experience and competence is accumulated and gradually the NVC-plus mode is extended to the rest of the company.

With whom NVC-plus?

NVC-plus is intended for all people who want to organize themselves with others at eye level and independently. In this respect, the method is also kept as simple as possible. You could say: If you can learn how to drive a car, you can learn NVC-plus. The real challenge is to switch from the previous way of working together to the NVC-plus mode. This requires flexibility, curiosity and trust. You have to try out new things openly in order to be able to assess them realistically and apply them effectively. This is not easy for everyone. NVC-plus offers an elegant change strategy for the sensitive transition phase. Being a pioneer - who starts? In a community or institution, there are people who can more easily embrace change. They are pioneers at heart. They like to break new ground. Others have their backs to the wall in their life situation and therefore choose change. They try NVC-plus, for example, to save a relationship or to stabilize a project, a team or even an entire company. But the easiest ones are those who are unhappy with the way they are with each other and suspect in the first contact that NVC-plus can provide real answers for them. In these people there is a hunger for a good common ground. If they see an opportunity, they will immediately go for it. Change and Consciousness NVC-plus challenges our consciousness. Where we as humans are actually used to relying on the visible, predictable and predictable, with NVC-plus we develop an interactive sensitivity. And in our very functionally oriented culture that has evolved from a male-dominated world, we are usually more familiar with thoughts than feelings. Many know little about their inner life, their needs and their real goals. However, for a self-directing mode, we need a good or at least sufficient relationship with ourselves and with the other team members. In the beginning, it's like exercising muscles after the cast has come off. It takes some time before they start working properly again and feel comfortable doing so. You can't let that bother you. The "social muscles" are present in us humans and with the first successes we easily get over the initial threshold. NVC-plus is not a form of self-awareness or therapy. NVC-plus is, of course, ideology-free and designed to help people organize their activities in an easy and timely manner. So it is not about self-optimization or just getting rid of problems or being passively happy with each other. There are certainly other methods for that. NVC-plus is for people who want to coordinate their activities with each other in an optimal way. Power vs. Dominance NVC-plus is for people who like to live their positive and natural power without wanting to live it out in the form of dominance. The power of the individual is turned forward and intertwined into a larger team force to become interactively effective in an intelligent way. This succeeds with NVC-plus. On the other hand, those who prefer to do their own thing will hardly seek a central place in a self-organized team - that too is self-direction. All will find their own good place in the team or in relation to the team if they can enter into mediating communication. NVC- plus can strengthen their understanding of this. If some people do not succeed at all, some basic personal insight work may be needed first. Coaching and seminars can support them in this.
Questions are more important than answers. A good question can accompany you for a long time and steer your steps in the right direction. In this respect, all answers are not intended to resolve the questions, but to inspire the questioners. After some time, we will be able to expand this area and go into even more detail and specifics about problems as they naturally arise in organized interaction. So that we can keep our finger on the pulse with our answers, please write to us with your technical questions.
MY QUESTION  1. What is NVC-plus?   2. What for NVC-plus?   3. With whom NVC-plus?   4. Starting with NVC-plus   NVC-plus PRACTICE 


Organising projects with self-organised teams