NVC-plus Podcasts
Reading too much text might not always be helpful. Why not just learn by listening, on the way to work, on vacation, in the moments when you have some time to devote to the wonderful topic of organic self-organization in a relaxed way. Here you will find quite practical and also quite theoretical texts. You don't really need much to start with NVC-plus and be successful. But those of us who enjoy the background and want to understand it in its details should also get their money's worth.
Organising projects with self-organised teams
Audioplayer: webdesign.weisshart.de
NVC-plus Podcasts
Reading too much text might not always be helpful. Why not just learn by listening, on the way to work, on vacation, in the moments when you have some time to devote to the wonderful topic of organic self- organization in a relaxed way. Here you will find quite practical and also quite theoretical texts. You don't really need much to start with NVC-plus and be successful. But those of us who enjoy the background and want to understand it in its details should also get their money's worth.
Audioplayer: webdesign.weisshart.de
Organising projects with self-organised teams